Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A View of Try, Try Again

I married twice and divorced twice. It's nothing that I'm proud of, but it is what it is. I also know that it's an experience I have no desire to go through again. Emotionally drain me once, shame on you. Emotionally drain me twice, shame on me.

At least I think that's how that saying goes.

Anyway, I came across a story about a woman who has a different viewpoint on marriage. Linda Lou Wolfe first married in 1957 when she was 16 years old. Her husband was 31 years old. They stayed married for seven years. She picked herself up after her divorce, dusted herself off, and started all over again.

That's not a typo. The former Linda Lou Taylor has been married 23 times, making her the most married woman in history. Her first marriage lasted the longest. Her shortest marriage lasted 36 hours. Her last marriage was a publicity stunt. She married Glynn "Scotty" Wolfe in 1996. He was the the most married man in the world at the time. She was his 29th bride. Their marriage lasted just under a year. They didn't divorce, though. He died a few days before their anniversary.

She's been married to a convict, a preacher, homeless men (yes, men - plural), you name it. She's been abused by one husband and cheated on and deserted by others. She says she doesn't even remember the order of her marriages. Still she says she wouldn't hesitate to marry again "because, you know, (life) gets lonely."

I understand being lonely, but after a while I'd think it's easier to just get a cat (or three) and a hobby. Reading about her made me a bit curious about marriages. Are there any couples out there who not only stay together, but are willing to marry each other again if given the chance?

Turns out there's one couple who love each other so much, they've remarried each other 83 times. Lauren and David Blair have renewed their vows all over the world. Their last renewal was in 2004 in Las Vegas. "We love telling each other we love each other and looking into each other's eyes and saying our vows," David is quoted as saying.

Something about all that love makes my tummy hurt. Still, I give them credit for wanting to be together as much as they seem to. I came across a story about how some divorced couples have no other choice in the current economic climate but stay together. They don't like it, but they make it work.

Talk about life getting lonely. Somehow they persevere. If at first you don't succeed in getting by, try, try again I suppose.

More later after being thankful for three cats, my sanity, and not having to live like the Roses.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know those people who say "I'd rather try and fail than not try at all?" I'm not those people. I have never been married despite the fact I'm almost 30. Yeah I hate certain failures. To each his own, right? lol

6:22 PM  
Blogger TEM said...

Either you haven't met the right person, or you are smart enough to realize that they don't call marriage an institution for nothing. Go with your gut when it comes to relationships BB, no matter what the case. Thanks for reading. Come back now, ya hear?

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I always come back. I been reading this blog since 2006 then you went MIA for 2 years then suddenly you're back. It is right here that I found another blog of some Ohio chic that I've been reading since '06. What can I say, I got free stuff to read :)

11:09 PM  

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