Thursday, April 06, 2006

A View Of "Damn Baby!"

I'm not a fan of baby showers because they're usually too cute and too girly. I've only been to one really good, entertaining baby shower in my life. (A big way to rock the shower shout out to Supermama Tracey and Kenn, the host with the most.) Another one (I don't even remember who the shower was for) started out slow, but really became fun after the hostess kicked off a door prize auction with Monopoly money. You'd be surprised at what $500 in Monopoly money will buy these days. The rest? No good until the cake was served.

Still, I've never been to one quite like this one described on today's MSNBC website. I suppose any shower that devolves into an argument over whether or not beer should be served to a five-year-old child will be a bit problematic. A shower that ends with the mother-to-be being beaten with a big stick and a guest firing a gun in the air is probably entertaining for gossipy neighbors and fans of COPS or Jerry, but not so much for the new parents. Had they played the clothespin game, I could only imagine a riot would've broken out.

The good news is that mother and baby are fine. The bad news is that, because of the scuffle, Fisher Price is scrapping production of its "Baby's First Glock" line.

Don't drink and coo, y'all. More to come later.


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